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[Deprecated] How to get AAVE ATokens from Goerli testnet (Etherscan)

Nov 1, 2023

How to get AAVE aTokens from Goerli testnet (Etherscan)

[This article is outdated as of the release of Testnet v2 on 1st November 2023]

Aave doesn’t have a V2 Web interface available and so to mint aTokens, we need to do this through the etherscan interface. As such, you will be interacting with Etherscan throughout this process instead of the Aave web UI. 

Use Test USDC as example:

1. Connect to with goerli testnet 

- You also need some testnet ETH for gas fee

2. Get some testing WETH/USDC/DAI from faucet tab

3. Use goerli etherscan to allow Aave’s lendpool contract transfer your token from your address 

- Use T_USDC (0xD5596C3B9F8E52C8061BF8DC7F6708EA7D4D5E1B) as example, search the ERC20 token contract in etherscan for T_USDC token and click it

And that brings you to here:

Click Contract (with green dot) -> Write Contract -> 

…then Connect to Web 3

...then approve function, then connect your metamask in this page

You should then see this:

Then, go to 2.Approve here:

Then in spender parameter put the lend pool address: (0x3e895C31b225779037f839389480eC57c554Ebac)

In amount parameter you can just put: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 if you want unlimited approve token amounts, which is max value of 256 bits integer in decimal

Click Write and then submit your transaction in metamask example:

  1.  Deposit T_USDC into lending pool and then get aToken

Go to the lend pool contract (0x3e895c31b225779037f839389480ec57c554ebac)

Hit ‘Contract’, and then ‘Write as Proxy

Then Connect to Web3 should see this: 

Expand ‘Deposit’ and you should see this

Submit deposit transaction in this format

  1. Asset: underlying token address (address of T_USDC in this case, for convenience: 0xD5596C3B9F8E52C8061BF8DC7F6708EA7D4D5E1B) 
  2. onBehalfOf: your wallet address (find this in Metamask)
  3. amount : amount of underlying token you want to deposit

Remember the amount should put 6 more zero behind your proposed deposit amount, for example, if you want to deposit 100 USDC into lending pool to get AUSDC, you have to put 100,000,000 in amount.

  1. For referralCode just put 0
  1. Then hit ‘Write

When you View your transaction, you should see this…

Now, you should have 100 equivalent of aTokens, Congrats!

Go to Infinity >> Dashboard, and you should have some aUSDC tokens, called T_AUSDC

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